A bit ago I shared this picture of the pillows my in-laws helped me sew. I have loved the pillows and I still get excited to make the bed.
However, I never quite completed one of the pillows (below) because I needed time to look at it to decide what finishing touch it needed.
One day, I ran across a Robert Browning poem, and realized that it had exactly what I wanted on my pillow. It is especially perfect that we have a pillow with a Robert Browning phrase on it because Elizabeth Barrett Browning helped me theme our wedding. We're coming full circle. :)
Originally, I was going to paint the phrase I wanted right on the pillow, but then I remembered that I'm afraid of commitment. So, I messed with design a few ways on paper and then on scrap fabric, and then used this strip of fabric as the final.
Friends, I free handed this--eyeballing a font I liked (Segoe Script)--and it was the most terrifying experience of my DIY life. I couldn't find a stencil I particularly loved, and I didn't want to go to the effort of making one, so I opted for dangerous. This is how I tend to do crafts--the nearly lazy way--and it usually haunts me forever because tiny mistakes show up here and there. For example, I used a ruler to give myself straight lines to follow as I wrote, except I skipped that process for the third line which said "R. Browning." You don't see it here because I cut it off. Yep, I went crooked. Sorry Mr. Browning, no credit for you.
Anyway, after frying my poor nerves, I grabbed the few supplies I needed to do the easy part of tacking on the strip of fabric. (Chapstick is a necessary supply because whenever I'm concentrating I bite my lips. And my hot milk, honey, and nutmeg drink just made me happy while doing crafts. Oh, and I was watching Runaway Bride, so really it was a great time.)
And there you go! A finished pillow that is still completely alterable.
(Sorry, it's not the best lighting, and my pillows look tired, but it really is quite pretty in person.)
Okay, so I'm obsessed with you. That is all.