Friday, October 11, 2013

Introvert: Challenged

I'm an introvert.  And my introvert tendency to hide out is being challenged right now.  (Read more about it here.)  Up the street live three little girls who are obsessed--like, really obsessed--with my dog.  And they are not shy about it.  I made the "mistake" of saying that if they saw him in the back yard they could come play with him.  Well now they ride their bikes back and forth in front of my house until they spot him outside.  When one of them does, they holler to all the neighborhood kids, "Sonny Boy is out!" and little feet come running.

Seeing one of these girls in the backyard for the first time hanging out with my dog was a bit disconcerting, but I adjusted.

This evening after dinner, I heard the little bike breaks in the driveway and the feet running to the backyard to visit Sonny, and I was okay with it because Sonny Boy was a little restless and needed variety.  But I was surprised to hear a little "tap tap" on the front door.  Peeking outside to discover the source of the noise, I found 4 year old Riley standing there smiling, her big brown eyes curious and her bangs askew.  She looked at me, saying nothing, and then stepped inside.  I watched her scan the family room.  Judging it based on the few times she'd seen it she turned to me and asked, "Where is your dad?"

"My husband?  He's at school."

"Oh, my dad is at work."

She stood with her hands clasped, twiddling her fingers, big brown eyes observing the space around her.  She looked back at me and I looked at her and we continued just looking until I heard another voice from behind me.

"Where is your dad?"

Riley's twin, Reagan, had come looking for her.

"My husband is at school."

The third sister soon joined, and the girls gathered in my family room, twiddling their thumbs and looking at me until their mom called them home for bed.  They scampered out, waving over their shoulders as they hopped on their bikes.

I waved back and shut the door.

My introvert was conflicted.  I was not supposed to take delight that three little girls love to be in my home.  But I finally had to admit that my "mistake" of inviting them to play with the dog was no mistake at all.  These cute girls are forcing me out--forcing me to be friendly, to have an open door and an open heart.

And to always be fully dressed.

PS-- One week until my birthday!!!  Eeek!

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