Tuesday, March 4, 2014

{Dear Martha Anne} Lately

Dear Martha Anne,

Well, hi.  I've completely abandoned you, I know. Life took off and I was left hanging onto its tail and running as fast as I could, eating dust. Life is still running, but I've found my stride (for now) and hopefully can maintain this pace for a while.

Where to start?  How about the weather.  It still sucks and I wanna run away.  Okay, no, it is not that bad, but my sense of time has seriously been disrupted.  My body's seasonal clock does not know how to handle 5 degree weather in March.  And I can only get up to go to the gym in pitch-black freezing madness for so many months out of the year.  So let's hope Winter and Spring have a little talk, and Winter decides to be nice and share 2014 with the others.

What else?  Even though it's still a frozen spectacle outside, I guess a part of my biological clock is still functioning: Spring Cleaning, beginning with haircuts for everyone (dog included).  One of us is not enthused about this...

It's definitely time for the both of us to lose a few inches.

I can't believe  As soon as I typed that, I realized it's not true.  I can believe, and I knew to expect, how fast time would pass for us here in Indiana.  I decided awhile back that my gallery wall is done.  It is not complete, or exactly as I'd have it, but it is as finished as it will ever be.  The two pictures at the top are redundant (from 2012 and 2013), and the frames are not all perfectly straight or evenly spaced.  But I still really like this wall.  It reminds of two things: one, that our time here is really brief; and two, that it is still worth enjoying. 

So on that note, I hope you enjoy today for all that it is worth.

Much Love,


1 comment:

  1. I really like your wall... even if it were meant to be long-lasting. It's nice and comfortable.
